Saturday, June 1, 2013

Slaying Our Dragons..

 After testing gyms out in the area, we have finally joined our gym- 24 Hr FITNESS. (I love it and hate it) 
Every day I meet Jonny at the gym at 5:45 and we kick our butts for a while, then we drive home resting getting donuts on the way home. ( horrible placement of a doughnut shop)
 We ride bikes, run, lift, ect. at the end we like to go sit in the sona for a little bit. We come out gross, but refreshed and feeling better about ourselves :) Our apartment is holding a contest of who can loose the most weight in 90 days. Very few people are doing it, witch boosts our chance of winning the $300!!! So far Jonny and I have lost both about 5 pounds and we hope that we keep shredding if off. :)

1 comment:

  1. Good luck! Hope you guys win the prize! :D (And that picture on the bottom right totally threw me off because it looked so much like Jess!)
