Saturday, July 13, 2013

Weakness Turned into Strength

The time has come where I have received my final grade for my Math class that I was taking. I went into the class dreading, having to even take it in the first place. ( because lets face it, I am not friends with math, nor people who try to teach me math) Even though I was hesitant about it I took it and I hit the ground running, all semester I was the only one with an A in the class. I don't like to toot my own horn or not, but when has that EVER happened !!!!! :) At the end of the class my teacher ( who was a great teacher) said, " In my class its really hard to get an A, but if you have one you deserved it." So with all my hard work and to all those family members and loved ones who tried to teach me MATH, THIS WAS FOR YOU !!!!

Jonny was one of those loved ones who tried to teach me, but he loved me enough and was proud of me that he took me out to our favorite place to eat. :) I had the best most delicious steak I have had in a while. I love and am so happy that my husband is proud of me and encourages me to do my best in all things. I knew that he was always there to support me no matter what. I think I also have to give a shout out to my DAD.. he had to deal with the rough of it, so thanks dad for never giving up and still loving me after all those very hard times we sat through at the kitchen table. :) I hope I made y'all proud

1 comment:

  1. Great job!! I never liked math either. I'm pretty sure getting all of us through highschool math gave dad a good portion of his gray hair. Way to go!
