This year Jonny and I visited my family for Thanksgiving, and it turned out great because my whole family was able to make it home for the holidays. It had almost been a year since we had seen any of my sisters and brothers, and we were very excited to play card games, have family talks and eat lots and lots of turkey. The picture above was taken right before our Thanksgiving dinner, on our front steps. Our Family is growing for sure !!!!!
We were so excited to be able to see and hold the new baby Emmett and to spend time with the little boys Mason and Deacon. Even though we were so excited our plane was still delayed, because of a huge thunder storm that came in. Even with a little wait we made it home and was able to be with the family.( In the top right picture) that was the first time Jonny has held such a small newborn baby, and he did really well. We were both so surprised how small he was, but within the week and a half we were there he chucked up a little bit. It must have been that Thanksgiving Dinner his momma ate :).
The best part of thanksgiving with my family is our tradition, each year we go around the table and say what we are thankful for and how much we are grateful for everything we have and all of our blessings. It was really amazing to hear all of my parents, brothers, sisters and even my nephews talk about what they are thankful for. Jonny and I are truly blessed to have such a loving family and such support from every direction we look. There were tears of happiness and love and those are the best feelings that I could hope for our holiday together.
After dinner I was lucky enough to be able to take a little turkey nap with this guy laying on my chest. He is so sweet and so snuggly, I just wanted him all to myself all week. I loved it when he would grab my fingers with his little hands and hold on for dear life :). It was so fun because Jonny and I got a change to babysit Mason, Deacon, and Emmett for a night and it was so much fun:). I had Emmett and Mason and Deacon just wrestled and wrestled with Jonny till they all just tuckered themselves out.
At the very bottom (sorry its a blurry pic) is Jonny playing with the boys, they were moving so fast it was hard to take a decent picture, and of course me and Emmett just hanging out at the top right. Another thing we were able to do is visit Jonnys friend Rob and his wife, who live in Winston Saleem NC. We spent the day visiting and meeting his baby. I'm so glad that we were able to make it out there to see friends and to catch up, they had not seen each other in a year or so. On the way up we passed the big peach water tower, its Masons favorite.
I was so greatful to be with all of my family during the Thanksgiving holiday. I love each and every one of them so much and I'm so thankful that I was born into such an amazing family.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone, I hope that your Turkey day was filled with love and laughter.