Friday, December 27, 2013

Where The Wild Things Are

The day before our anniversary we decided to go to Lincoln Park Zoo in Chicago, it was free and it was one of the best zoo's that we have ever been to !!! It was cold outside, but most of the animals where inside, so that was nice to be warm.
We saw all kinds of really cool things happen. Above in the bottom right picture that is me in a log, with a black bear in hibernation on the other side of it :) ( how cool is that.) We also got to witness a jaguar 'rawer' at us, and attack the fence. A baby hippo jump into water, swimming and playing, the lion and tiger up close , just on the other side of a glass. while we were in the monkey section we watched the two big, male gorillas fight over dominance. ( it was pretty funny, to see the alpha get annoyed with the other little boys testing him.) We saw Huge birds of pry fly, a baby rhino, and big sea lions racing in the water. I would say that, this visit was the most active I had ever seen any of the animals. It was so much fun, just to walk around and see the animals when the zoo was not so crowded with people. Believe me, some people were there and I just happened to witness some very funny things being said. These were a couple of the ones I can remember....
grown woman ( no kids ) : " What animal is this?'  ummmm that would be a tiger..... 
Grown Man: " Is that an otter or beaver?" really ..... 
Little kid: "Dad look the gorillas layed eggs."  Dad: " Sweetheart gorillas dont lay eggs" kid:"oh....." 
 We had lots of laughs and loved seeing the well taken care of animals at the Lincoln Park Zoo. I guess going to the zoo is just one of our things we do, Jonny and I have been to a lot of zoo's together this year .Maybe one day, we will make it a real AFRICAN SAFARI.


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