Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Rated Meals

Thanks to my wonderful mother for teaching me how to cook, and my dad for teaching me how to experiment with foods to become not a cook but a "CHIEF"as he likes to call it, I know Jonny is sure thankful.Since Jonny and I have been married I have had to alter the way I cook a little bit.... I love spicy foods and foods that punch ya in the mouth with flavor ( got that one from my dad for sure).. but Jonny on the other hand, cant even look at a pepper without getting scared and flavors are to over powering for him......sooooo I learned to compromise with a system I made up for Jonny. I asked Jonny to rate my meals on a scale of 1-10. 1 being never make it again please, to a 10 that its restaurant quality please make it again :). Each week I try to at least have 4 nice home cook meals prepared for Jonny when he gets home from work.( he works so hard all day the least I can do is make the man a great dinner) Below are some of the meals I have made that he liked. Now in all fairness I have never gotten a 1 before thank goodness, but I tend to get 8-9.5 and a ten on a good day. Over time I started getting more 10's so Jonny had to change his system to be even harder to achieve a 10 !!!!!
Rice, salsa chicken with broccoli- 9
  Stuffed bell peppers with rice and meat- 10       

In our home you can never go wrong with Chocolate Chip pancakes, with the occasional banana pancakes so this was a 10 for sure :D                                                      

Homemade chicken and cheese pizza- 9 I added a little Tabasco hot sauce to mine and I thought it was a 10 ;)
Banana Bread some with Chocolate chips, some with pecans and some with both :) So yummy I made a bunch and gave some to friends. Jonny really likes banana bread so he gave it a 10.5... That made me feel pretty good for sure :) :) :) :) Im so happy that my husband likes my cooking, even when its a little spicy for him he still eats it, bless his heart. ( I just make sure to kiss his burning lips after dinner) So far the system has worked great and it makes me want to try hard to get higher numbers each meal !!!! I think Jonny is a pretty lucky guy and has it MADE :).

1 comment:

  1. Such a good wife!! And by the way, Dad always says "Cheft" which is not a word. I guess that's why he's so good at making "daddy-roni". Just looking at those pictures of good food made me hungry! Want to come over and cook dinner for us tonight? :)
